This is part 3 and the end of this information about how to create a successful and a very profitable dental hygiene department.
When you have a productive and profitable dental hygiene department you will create success for your dental practice indefinitely however, there are a few important tools that every dentist must acquire to be successful and these are
1. You must be dedicated to leadership,
2. You must be continually dedicated to learning
3. Never think that either of these is are “hit or miss.”
Part 1 and 2 discussed:
1. Your Vision
2. Create a Team Approach
( To learn more about Part 1 of this blog go here PART 1. Part 2 can be found here: PART 2)
3. Tap Into Your Recare Goldmine
4. Your Cancellation Policy
In Part 3 today I will focus on
The twenty first century dental practice needs to have daily goals established before the beginning of a new year begins.
A sustainable and profitable dental hygiene department will produce no less than 30% of the total office production. Anything less, is not adequate to support and sustainable dental practice.
The purpose of the numbers discussed here today, are only an example and each location of a dental practice will be different based on their UCR fees.
If doctor’s production goal for the office is $10,000 per day, then the hygiene department production should equal no less than $3,000 per day.
Clients of Dental Practice Solutions are able to track the percentage of treatment plans coming from the hygiene department with our very detailed dashboard.
The treatment diagnosed in the hygiene department can be discovered by adding the hygiene department production which as an example will be $3,000 + to doctor’s daily production goal which is $7,000. This is where we come up with a $10,000 daily goal for the month.
In order for doctor to accomplish his or her daily goals for case acceptance in the hygiene department must be no less than 70% and a follow up plan needs to be in place if patients do not leave the office with a next appointment for restorative care or hygiene services.
Always schedule an end-of-year meeting with the entire team to establish your annual goals and number of days you will need to work to establish your goals.
If you have never scheduled this type of meeting your practice management consultant is a great resource to establish guidelines for this very important annual meeting.
Bottom line with accomplishing your goals is to write them down and review them often with you team. Each month track your goals and at your morning huddle report on where you are with at least your production and collection goals. Have team members report on how they can close the gaps in achieving your goals.
In number 6 I will share some simple services to close your gap on accomplishing your goals.
Same day services will add value to your dental hygiene appointments. Offering your patients services such as ViziLite® Plus, VELscope® Vx, or other technology available today for oral cancer screening, fluoride varnish treatments, impressions for night guards, sealants, etc. will save your patients time returning to the office but is also add profitability to the practice.
Take for example, 4 patients each day receive:
Oral Cancer Screening using ViZilite, VELscope $ 50.00 X 4 = $ 200.00
Fluoride Varnish $ 35.00 X 4 = $ 140.00
Daily addition to Hygiene Production $ 340.00
If Your Hygienist adds these 150 days annually $ 51,000
($340 additional daily production X 150 Days. Imagine your hygienist also adds sealants or night guard impressions. What will that $ amount be?)
The picture below shows how the hygienist can organize their 60 minutes when working with a patient and not feel like they are running on a treadmill. This is an example of how same day services can fit into the hygiene schedule.
Most successful dental businesses implemented most or all of these 6 tips. When you implement these systems and services into your dental practice no longer will you hear that the dental hygiene department is a “loss leader.”
Let us know about your dental practice in the comment section below.
What are your current practice challenges?
Do you know where you hygiene recare efficiency stands today?.
Is the hygienist in your office able to manage their patient time effectively?.
Let us know by sending an email if you want us to look over your hygiene department numbers. If you don’t know your numbers then you have a plan to only be “status quo” at best.
Grab our No charge 7 Day Dental Hygiene Profits Program Here
ABOUT Debbie Seidel-Bittke, RDH, BS
Debbie Seidel-Bittke is founder of Dental Practice Solutions, a global consulting and coaching business known as the leader in creating highly profitable and sustainable dental hygiene departments.
Debbie uses a specific innovative and strategic methodology to not only increase hygiene department production but works with the entire team to sustain true profitability for the life of a dental practice.
For 10 yrs. she has been known as one of Dentistry Today’s Top Practice Management Consultants.
Debbie speaks about dental hygiene department profitability and the services which create a profitable and sustainable dental practice.
Grab her 7 Day no-cost hygiene department profit program. Each day, for seven days, you will receive tips to increase your dental hygiene department production without working harder but like a well-oiled machine.
Click here get your no-charge 7 Day Hygiene Department Program